March 13, 2025

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Project FAQ's

Q: Why should I join the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition?
A: Frustrated with traffic?  Concerned about dangerous roadway?  Or, maybe you just like the thought of saving millions of future tax dollars?

We're sorry to answer this question with a series of questions, but the reality is that everyone who lives along and regularly uses Highway 55 should be part of the Coalition.  For as little as $.06/day you could add your name to our growing list of members, send a message to state and federal elected official that Highway 55 needs immediate attention due to the expansive growth in this area, and provide the seed money we can use to leverage millions of state and federal highway dollars to complete this project.  Just a nickel and a penny per day to get all this done … now that's real value.

Whew!  Long answer but that was an important question.  Thanks.

Q: Won’t Highway 55 be improved anyway?
A: The short answer is, "Yes... but when?"

Before the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition existed, improvements to Highway 55 were not even being considered by MnDOT (the Minnesota Department of Transportation). Since the Coalition became active, some improvements have already been made, others are programmed and still others are in the planning stages.

The longer Highway 55 goes without substantive improvement, the greater safety issues continue to grow, congestion continues to expand, and frustration skyrockets among residents along the corridor. It's only with the continued vigilance of the Coalition that Highway 55 remains a priority. For the safety of everyone that drives Highway 55, we need to maintain the pressure.

Q: When is Highway 55 scheduled for improvement?
A: A lot of that depends on you. The segment of Highway 55 between the end of the existing 4-lane in Medina to Rockford had resurfacing and safety improvements in 2012, but remain as a 2-lane for now (See Status of Projects).  The segment of Highway 55 between Rockford and Buffalo is in MnDOT’s plan to become a 4-lane but it is not scheduled as MnDOT also needs to program a portion of Highway 55 in Hennepin County from a 2-lane to 4-lane roadway as well.  This is where you and the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition come in.  If we can work with our elected officials, MnDOT and the Metropolitan Council to make Highway 55 a top priority, it could be scheduled and upgraded.  So you see, it really IS up to you.  You can join our Coalition now and make your voice heard… or be silent and wait at least another decade before anything happens.  Won’t you join us?

Q: What can we save?
A: In addition to saving a great deal of time and frustration, planning for Highway 55 expansion now will save taxpayers millions of dollars.

By establishing setbacks along the corridor and avoiding development on those setbacks.  Take a look at this example:

2 acres of undeveloped land along Highway 55
$150,000 to $200,000
Identical 2 acres with a 10,000 sq. ft. facility
$1 to $1.5 million PLUS relocation  costs

Now, imagine what the cost will be in ten years … then, multiply that by all the land required to expand Highway 55 from Plymouth to Annandale. The time to plan for Highway 55 is now! The time to join the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition is now!

2025 Highway 55 Corridor Coalition.
Last Updated: January 2017


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