March 13, 2025

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Federal Funding Identified for Three Highway 55 Projects

Three projects were identified for funding at a recent General Membership meeting of the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition.

“These projects are excellent examples of a public and private partnership which will improve public safety, make transportation more accessible and save taxpayers many millions of dollars in future right-of-way acquisition," stated Hennepin County Commissioner Penny Steele. "Each project includes significant public and/or private funding, and this commitment of federal dollars will allow the work to begin sooner rather than later.”

Jack Russek, Chair of the TH 55 Corridor Coalition and Wright County Commissioner, echoed Commissioner Steele’s comments. “These projects are ready to go and they will definitely improve the safety on Trunk Highway 55, especially the intersections of County Road 115 and Gabler Avenue. This will make a wonderful improvement.”

The meeting of the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition had been scheduled to discuss the use of a Federal Department of Transportation grant received through the efforts of Congressman Mark Kennedy. Projects identified for funding include:

  • Fernbrook Lane at TH 55 in Plymouth – constructing additional turn lanes and making access control changes along Fernbrook Lane approaching the TH 55 intersection. $475,000 will be used for plan development and right-of-way acquisition.
  • County Road 134 (Calder Ave) in Buffalo – realigning County Road 134 (Calder Ave) at its intersection with TH 55 and installation of traffic control signals. This work will be performed in coordination with other improvements associated with the opening of a new Menards. Menards, through the City of Buffalo, has committed $200,000 toward the transportation improvements. $75,000 will be used for right-of-way acquisition and plan development.
  • County Road 115 and Gabler Avenue in the City of Rockford and Rockford Township – realignment of County Road 115 on the south side of TH 55, and Gabler Avenue on the north side, eliminating two T-intersections. This work will be coordinated with two developments being planned with the developers providing the bulk of the funds for engineering and construction of the roadways. $400,000 will be used for right-of-way acquisition.

The Highway 55 Corridor Coalition was formed in 2001 to allow communities and residents alike a tool to effectively advocate for improvements to TH 55, between Annandale and I-494 in Plymouth. The Coalition’s initial mission is to secure sufficient right-of-way so that improvements can be made to TH 55. These improvements will include upgrades to the infrastructure, additional lanes for increased traffic, and better access control for smoother traffic flow, all of which contribute to increased safety.

The Highway 55 Corridor Coalition is made up of counties, cities, townships along the corridor, and businesses, neighborhood organizations and concerned citizens, all working in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Council.

2025 Highway 55 Corridor Coalition.
Last Updated: January 2017


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