March 13, 2025

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“In Buffalo almost 70% of people who work drive to the metro area.  Hwy 55 is currently overcrowded and has many safety issues.  An improved Hwy 55 is a critically important issue to our community and to our citizens.”
Brad Nauman, Mayor
City of Buffalo, MN

“Without the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition, long range corridor planning would never happen and funding for corridor preservation and safety improvements would not be available.”
Marvin Johnson, Mayor
City of Independence, MN

“Improvements to Highway 55 are desperately needed now. Many areas, especially access points, are dangerous.”
Karen Peters, Resident & Hwy 55 user
City of Corcoran, MN

“Improvements to TH 55 are desperately needed and will mean the difference between life and death for many people. Several years ago, we lost a dear family friend and a valued employee who died as a result of a head-on collision on Highway 55, a loss that might have been prevented if the highway were four lanes. Please count on my continued support for the Highway 55 Coalition and its ongoing efforts to improve the safety of TH 55.”
Mark Johanneck, Dealer Principal
Morries Buffalo Ford Mercury

"Traffic congestion clearly is the number one livability issue in the minds of Twin Cities' residents."
Peter Bell, Former Chair
Metropolitan CouncilState of the Region Address
February, 2004

"Highway 55 is the most heavily traveled two-lane highway in all of District 3."District 3 includes 13 counties in central Minnesota
including the St. Cloud and Brainerd Areas
Dan Anderson
MnDOT District 3 Engineer

2025 Highway 55 Corridor Coalition.
Last Updated: January 2017


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